Air Conditioning Maintenance

Whether you are a Homeowner, Landlord or Tenant – air conditioning maintenance is your responsibility for keeping your system running well and extending the life of the equipment. Please read through the bullet list below to see if any of the items apply to you.

1. If you are doing any major renovations that creates a lot of dust, turn off the A/C and open the windows and doors. The pictures below are a dirty filter I found at a property where the A/C was left on during renovations and the filter after I cleaned it.

Clean AC Filter

2. Believe it or not, I saw a painter using a sprayer inside a condo once, with the A/C on – it ruined the air handler’s evaporator coils.

Spray Painter

3. If the A/C stops working, most likely the cause is a clogged condensation pipe. It needs to be cleaned out immediately to prevent water damage to the property.

Air Conditioning Pipe

4. If an Overflow (or Float) switch is installed on the Air Handler unit, it can prevent most condensation back-ups which can lead to water damage of the surrounding area.

AC Float Switch
Thin AC Filter

The type of AC filter is important – it should be not too tight nor too thin.

If a pleated air conditioning filter is used, be careful that the pleats are not too close together which can cause the air conditioning system to work extra hard to pull air through the filter.

An air conditioning filter purchased for under $3.00 is not going to last very long. The cardboard frame is not very strong so it may cause the filter to buckle and not provide any filtration, exposing the air handler evaporator coils to all dust, dirt, pet hair, etc. Additionally, the filter material is spun glass (fiberglass) and it is usually thin and will not trap small particles of dirt, dust and hair.


  • When the air filter is changed – write the date on it so you remember the last time you changed it
  • It is recommended the air filter be checked and/or changed monthly, depending on the type of filter used.
  • Change the filter more frequently if you have pets
  • Change the filter more frequently if you smoke indoors
  • Keep the area around the air handler clear so if there is a leak, it is caught early
  • If there are bushes around the condenser unit, keep them trimmed and away from the equipment – the condenser needs fresh air “to breathe”
  • Regular A/C check-ups by a professional are necessary – at least once a year